The Title Manager
The core of our services, and our primary face to the world, is our Title Manager web app.
EIDR records are complex structured documents. The big media companies have usually spent hundreds of thousands of dollars creating “integrations” to EIDR from their own internal systems.
But we have made it simple. The Title Manager allows registration by anyone, without the necessity of understanding technical standards or metadata nomenclature.
Every record submitted through the Title Manager is reviewed–and if necessary corrected–by a metadata expert to ensure successful and timely registration. We pride ourselves on creating the most accurate and complete registration records out there, so your titles are easier to find, and easier to identify.
And all this is done in hours, not days or weeks, because we understand that you need your EIDR ID before you can bring your works to market.
We have added a lot of features over the years, to make sure that our Title Manager is the go-to source for title registration. So whether you’re an indie, preparing to bring your magnum opus to a festival, or a OTT channel making sure that all your content has been registered, we can help you do what you need to do.
- Many people from your company can have a shared company account, so different people can register, update, or look up your registered works.
- Your company’s registration history is available with a button click, so you can look up an EIDR ID, or generate invoices for any title purchase.
- To make registration even easier, you can define a set of defaults for your company, including Producer and Distributor identification, language, countries of origin. You can even define your own Alt IDs, so you can add your own internal IDs to an EIDR cross-walk.